Concerning the murder of the anti-fascist Pavlos Fyssas // Statement for FSK Hamburg #01 [09.2013]

The young antifascist Pavlos Fyssas was killed on the night of 17th September by members of Golden Dawn. One more name added in the list of victims of neonazi violence in Greece along with Sahzad Luqman, Alim  Abdul Manan and others. Beatings, stabbings, threats have been a daily fact for migrants, Roma people, Jews and homosexuals for the last three years.

The greek left, though, prefers to say that “Golden Dawn now finally shows its true face” and so proves that even for leftwing Greeks the murder of a migrant is an unfortunate (or fortunate) event but the killing of a greek is a scandal! So, we are very suspicious of the “antifascist” cry of the last few days, on behalf of the mainstream media and politicians, especially if you consider that this cry followed the recent voices in the mainstream media, just a few days before the murder, calling for participation of a “more serious Golden Dawn” in the governing alliance with Nea Dimokratia (Conservatives).

So, on the one hand, no surprise. The GD promotes itself through committing violent acts for a year now and has created a climate of terror long before the actual murder. On the other hand, what’s at stake is if they will finally manage to dominate by spreading fear in the hearts of all their opponents. Let’s hope not. Autonomous organized anti-fascists are not ready to surrender in fear.

Antifa negative, 19/09/2013